Hi there,

I hope this email finds you comfortable and safe.

These are tough times, and our collective heart goes out to all the families, communities, and businesses affected by COVID-19.

We’re committed to providing continued support to all partners and customers, particularly those involved in community resources like our healthcare and government customers.

So if there's anything we can do to help, reach out to your PaperCut contact or get in touch at customer.service@papercut.com.

In support,

Alistair Nestor


New whitepaper on Cloud Services Security


Your new go-to for cloud security

Highly requested, our new whitepaper on Cloud Services Security in PaperCut MF is here. It's full of detailed, evidence-based information to equip you to:

  • answer common security questions from prospects and customers
  • highlight the benefits of cloud security and current thought-leading areas
  • show how cloud infrastructure beats alternatives in cost, scalability, reliability, and more.

Any questions? Reach out to Sue Dancer (EMEA and Americas) or Vanessa Mason (APAC).


Revamped collateral page and new content


Blog picks for the month

It's a mix of culture and tech this month, with resilient and inspiring PaperCutters leading the way.

  1. Living our values in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic
  2. What International Women’s Day means to us – Part 1 / Part 2
  3. Microsoft announces Universal Print for Azure cloud platform
  4. Pizza and printing: PaperCut TechFest 2020
  5. Meet a PaperCutter EP05: Chris the founder

New and improved collateral page

The collateral page is your one-stop shop for essential promo and education materials – everything from talk tracks to specific feature brochures. And it's just become a whole lot better.

Thanks to a slick refresh, you can now:

  • sort collateral pieces by language
  • filter by collateral type
  • search for collateral pieces by keywords.

Got a few thoughts or suggestions? Send them over to brenda.beenken@papercut.com.


Epic Systems integration almost live

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Final approval underway

PaperCut’s new Healthcare Module will soon be a part of Epic’s App Orchard Gallery.

Once available, you can offer PaperCut MF’s rich feature set – including Print Deploy, Secure Print Release and Find-Me printing – to healthcare customers that use Epic.

We've also got some materials on the way to help tell a great story, including a talk track, customer guide, and social media assets.

Stay tuned for updates as we look to Cerner and other EMR system integrations.


New network payment API (NPA)

We've released a new network payment API (NPA) to replace the old Java plugin.

  • It's [RESTful], so the PaperCut MF server will talk to your payment service across the network.
  • It lets you develop in any language or framework that supports REST – like C#, Go, Java, etc.
  • It's firewall friendly and doesn't require deploying a plugin.

We'll also end support for the old Java plugin around early/mid 2022 (or release 22.0 assuming we still use the same naming conventions), so there's plenty of time to source an alternative.

Why? Well, the old plugin required creating a jar file to deploy into the PaperCut MF application server – and that's a lot of extra onsite work (especially if plugin updates are needed).

Questions? Ping us at integration-dev-support@papercut.com, or in our Google Group.