Hi There,

PaperCut MF/NG version 19.1 is now in Channel Availability so we hope you’re enjoying this new release. Remember, all the resources you need are on the PaperCut Portal here ready for you to check out.

In this issue:

Happy reading!

Maria Piera

Integration Corner

Over the last few years we have published many short examples of integration programs to help you get started with our web services API. These were mainly in Python (because it's popular and easy to understand) and Bash (because Alec had a MacBook). We did also have few examples in Perl, Powershell, etc.

This approach did have some limitations though. For instance, a lot of people develop in the .NET environment using a language such as C# or use Windows Powershell to manage their computer systems. So we do plan to create more diverse examples, particularly C# and Powershell. However, before we do this, we’d like to check our assumptions so we really are providing you with something useful. It would help us if you could answer some questions on how you use the API and which scripting/programming languages you use.

Your answers will only be used for statistical analysis and not used for any other purpose. The form does ask for your email address to try and deter any spammers, and if you give us your explicit permission we might contact you to ask follow up questions.

As always, get in touch at integration-dev-support@papercut.com with any questions. Thanks for your help.


100 million delighted users


We’ve just launched our new webpage devoted to customers. With customer stories presented in a consistent format ready for you to share.


SysAdmin Day 2019


We recently honored the Sysadmins of the world and celebrated #Sysadminday by introducing It-Man and SysAdMan through a series of humorous videos.


Blogs away


Some interesting new blogs for you including insights from an event we attended at the Illinois Institute of Technology, USA.


What’s new in the KB


This month we have plenty of KBs for your reading pleasure, including a few Google-related ones and how to set up language selection at the device.