Hi there,

Welcome to the PaperCut newsletter for resellers. This is our first issue since updating the PaperCut Portal, so if you’re a new face, we’re really glad you’ve dropped by!

It also means we have a diverse and growing reader base that we’re proud of, and want to cater to. So please let us know what content you’d like to see (or any other recommendations), and we’ll do our best to give everyone a reason to read each month. Now to the good stuff!

We’re into one of the year’s biggest sales months historically, so a huge thanks for all the hard work. This issue, we’ll dive into some handy marketing and tech content, including a guide to the portal’s “co-brandable” collateral, and hands-on articles for whoever likes tinkering under the hood.

Last but not least, we’ll share the great feedback we’ve been getting from customers – especially around Job Ticketing – and put the call out to you to do the same. As always, we’re all ears!


Maria Piera


If you like it, co-brand it!


Keen to catch a few eyes at a trade show? Our marketing collateral guide gives you the low-down on co-branding, and covers all the materials you need to push PaperCut MF like a pro.


The sweet tweet


Since we launched Scan to Cloud Storage, we’ve had almost 12,000 files scanned to Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox collectively – and a heap of warm, fuzzy feedback telling us how easy it is to set up, maintain and use.

Take this awesome endorsement from a customer on the EduGeek forum: “Just set this up for Google Drive. It took minutes! Works really well and easy to use.” Doesn’t get much better than that!

Got another Scan to Cloud Storage success story? Let us know at marketing@papercut.com.


Job Ticketing delights the industry

Lab Man

Never one to miss a good ol’ conference crawl, the team recently attended a couple of industry events to chat about Job Ticketing. Spoiler alert: people are digging it.

First up was the LabMan conference hosted by the University of Maryland, USA. It’s the get-together for admins who work with computer labs in the education sector. One group really resonated with how easy it is to extend quotas into department print rooms and 3D labs – a giant hurdle in the past, and a user case we jumped on early during the percolator phase.

We also hit up Inside 3D Printing in sunny Sydney, an event attracting everyone from academics to FabLabers. There was plenty to unpack, but what really stood out to us was a major challenge soon to be faced by FabLabs: figuring out how to integrate charging systems and user bases with their shiny new toys. Hellooooo, Job Ticketing opportunities.


Script tips for PowerShell and SQL


Americas Solution Architect David O’Hara loves making life easier – especially when it comes to repetitive admin tasks. That’s why he’s “solutioneered” a super useful script to cull a boatload of inactive PaperCut users without a boatload of headaches. It’s a beauty.


MF for Riso goes next-level


RISO have made some major updates to their MFD solution for PaperCut MF across Comcolor FW and GD devices (icheck out our tour page for a full list of supported devices).

Scan tracking, ID login, and better support for shared accounts (including a search function) are just some of the goodies to print home about – and there’s even more to come in the next few months!

The nitty-gritty:

  • Customers will need to upgrade to PaperCut MF 18.1.4 or later, and create devices as "RISO Embedded V2" device types (the firmware should do this for you)
  • Existing devices will need to be removed and re-added as the new device type above (this will delete historical information, so make sure you run any necessary reports first)

Get in touch with your local RISO partner to grab the update today, or ping us at integration-dev-support@papercut.com for more info.


New and improved NG/MF manual


We've merged the PaperCut MF and NG manuals into one up-to-date super manual. So if you've been itching for some intricate info on MF's latest features, it's now all on our website!


What’s new in the KB?


Our ever-trusty tech team’s created some killer new KB articles. Get the know-how for making PaperCut play nice with SonicWall Content Filtering, troubleshooting endless ‘Sent to Printer’ errors, and more.


Our online chat forum has some soothing answers to your burning questions about SQL queries, public web services APIs, and everything in between. Simply log in with a GitHub, GitLab, or Twitter account to get discussing – or raise an issue directly on our GitHub repo.

We also have a dedicated mailing list/group for public web services APIs where you can get answers and browse past messages.

As always, ping integration-dev-support@papercut.com if you have any questions or integration opportunities kicking about!